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Composite Bonding Aftercare

GOOD ORAL CARE: It is vital to maintain a good oral hygiene routine after getting composite bonding. This is critical because although the natural tooth is covered by composite, food or bacteria can still get trapped beneath or around the composite. Keeping your teeth clean can also prevent discoloration and staining that can occur over a period of time. To prolong the life span of bondings, patients should brush and floss their teeth a minimum of twice a day.

FOODS/CHEWING: As with natural teeth, avoid chewing excessively hard foods on the bonded teeth (hard candy, ice, raw carrots, etc.) as the bondings can easily break, crack, or chip under extreme forces. Composite can easily stain and cannot be whitened. Avoid foods/drinks that are deep in color like red wine, coffee, and foods with artificial coloring. Smoking can also stain bonding.

NIGHTGUARDS: Dr. Torres highly recommends wearing a nightguard to protect your teeth and investment while you’re sleeping to prevent grinding or clenching of teeth. Custom nightguards are offered at Miél Dental Aesthetics at an additional cost. In some cases, they are a covered benefit through dental insurance.

Composite bondings can last up to 5 years with proper care. Discoloration can occur within 2 years. In the event that your bondings crack, chip or stain, it must be redone and/or polished. Due to enamel being removed (case by case basis) when the procedure was done, your natural teeth cannot be restored to it’s natural state therefore we must redo the bonding. Dr. Torres recommends glide pro health for flossing in between bonded teeth.

Miél Dental Aesthetics Limited Warranty:
you are a routine patient (absence of gum disease) of Dr. Torres at Miél Dental Aesthetics: Two (2) cleanings per year with Dr. Torres and/or our hygienist.

If you live out of state and/or have a different provider: a minimum of one (1) cleaning per year with Dr. Torres and/or our hygienist.

Composite veneers are under warranty for two (2) years from the date of placement. Composite bondings are under warranty are under warranty for one (1) year from the date of placement.

Please refer to the consent form for more information on our limited warranty.

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